Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR DEMOTIS (Feb. 2009 - Feb. 2012)

Partners: SopinSpace (coordinator), Inria (SMIS, SECRET), CECOGI

SMIS funding: 85k€


The design and implementation of large-scale infrastructure for sensitive and critical data (e.g., electronic health records) have to face a tangle of legal provisions, technical standards, and societal concerns and expectations. DEMOTIS project aims to understand how the intrication between legal and technical domains constrains the design of such data infrastructures. DEMOTIS consists of two interdependent facets: legal (health law, privacy law, intellectual property law) and computer science (database security, cryptographic techniques). Combining expertise of researchers in Law and computer scientists should help to better assess whether law statements can be actually put in practice, to characterize the related technological challenges when mismatches are detected and, when possible, to suggest preliminary solutions.

ANR KISS (Dec. 2011 - Dec. 2015)

Partners: Inria-SMIS (coordinator), Inria-SECRET, LIRIS, Univ. of Versailles, CryptoExperts, Gemalto, Yvelines district

SMIS funding: 230k€

The idea promoted in KISS is to embed, in trusted devices, software components capable of acquiring, storing and managing securely various forms of personal data (e.g., salary forms, invoices, banking statements, geolocation data, depending on the applications). These software components form a Personal Data Server which can remain under the holder’s control. The scientific challenges include: embedded data management issues tackling regular, streaming and spatio-temporal data (e.g., geolocation data), data provenance-based privacy models, crypto-protected distributed protocols to implement private communications and secure global computations.

ARC CAPPRIS (Dec. 2011 - Dec. 2015)

Inria Large Scale Initiative

Inria Partners: PRIVATICS (coordinator), SMIS, PLANETE, CIDRe, COMETE

External partners: Univ. of Namur, Eurecom, LAAS

Funding: not associated to individual project-teams

An ARC is a long-term multi-disciplinary project launched by Inria to sustain large scale risky research actions in line with its own strategic plan. CAPPRIS stands for "Collaborative Action on the Protection of Privacy Rights in the Information Society". The key issues that will be addressed are: (1) the identification of existing and future threats to privacy, (2) the definition of formally grounded measures to assess and quantify privacy, (3) the definition of the fundamental principles underlying privacy by design and methods to apply them in concrete situations and (4) The integration of the social and legal dimensions. To assess the relevance and signicance of the research results, they will be confronted to three classes of case studies CAPPRIS partners are involved in, namely Online Social Networks, Location Based Services and Electronic Health Record Systems.